The new Captain America has a new attitude that reeks of liberalism. The all-new comic just issued by Marvel finds the shiny new Captain America, Sam Wilson, is openly partisan against those dastardly conservatives, right from the get-go. Maybe it is because he is named after America’s worst president of all time.
In “Captain America: Sam Wilson #1,” Wilson heads down to what used to be the Mexican border. His mission: to take on an “evil” militia known as the Sons of the Serpent, (you know, that colonial flag with the snake that says “Don’t Tread On Me!”). These vile patriots actually believe the United States should protect its borders and reject illegal foreigners! Shocking! As a result, they are patrolling the area between Mexico and Arizona. Find out what the brave and progressive thinking Captain America does on the next page:
the kids are being bombarded with this c**p so it’s up to family to counter the c**p the liberal/socialist/communists are shoving down thier throats
That guy looks gayer than a two dollar bill.
I guess the “A” stands for Alinsky.
The real snake in the grass!
The same people that get their news from msnbc get their thoughts from hollyweird.
Capn Comunator!!!
Cappitan Amerikka, Komradde.
Fix your picture. It is Black Captain America.
Superman got his start in the depression going after greedy capitalists. This is nothing new. We can’t have an open border and a welfare state. We always had immigration but people that came here a generation ago worked at far higher rates