“New California” Declares Independence From Rest of State

The Federalist reports that a group of people are seeking to secede from California and create the 51st state titled “New California”.

They’re serious, though who knows how far the backers of “New California” will get.

Still, they read aloud their “Declaration of Independence” from the state of California, disgusted with liberal, big-city policies and politics that do nothing to help these mostly rural counties.

They’re not interested in leaving the United States – they’re Americans – they just want to become the nation’s 51st state – a chunk of counties surrounding the liberal coastal cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

And before you brush this movement as just a far-fetched temper-tantrum, read this! They are doing it “by the book”.

Unlike other separation movements in the past, the folks behind “New California” want to do things by the book. They’re citing Article 4, Sec. 3 of the US Constitution and want to work with the state legislature to get it done – the same way West Virginia was formed.

“Yes. We have to demonstrate that we can govern ourselves before we are allowed to govern,” said founder Tom Reed.

Section 3 of Article 4 reads: “New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.” So they would need permission from not just the lawmakers in the state capital, but in Washington as well.

What do you think? Will we be looking at New California here soon?

My vote is no. But it sure does make for interesting thought!

Bty, did you know that when we mentioned California become a liberal cesspool, we’re being literal. Check out what has happened to San Francisco.

Source: Federalist

Image: Wikia



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