A Trump eliminating device for your Google Chrome browser has been created by leftist loonies.
Of course, libs will love eliminating the Trump effect by the “Chrome extension will identify parts of a web page likely to contain Donald Trump and erase them from the Internet.”
One merely has to pick the level of filter, ranging from vindictive, aggressive to mild and vuala, the insulting and rage causing Trump news will disappear from your internet.
Like magic, your browsing can be Trumpless. No more updates on his polls or angst inspiring speeches to taint the New Year. Just add the Chrome extension and miss all the relevant and exciting campaign news coming from the GOP field.
You know, because all that talk of freedom and personal responsiblity gets a bit much for those living free on government programs while they eye balling everything under the sun for microagressions.
For more information, please move to page two.
I don’t know if Donald Trump would make a good president. But he’s got liberals and conservatives terrified – so I love ’em.
This type of censorship will create even more Trump supporters. Good job Chrome. Trump supporters commend you for helping our cause.
Try all you want, He’s here, and He’s HERE TO STAY!
Run away you scared liberal pansies. That’s what you always do when faced with the truth
No that is freedom of speech 101 lesson for today…
Can I get one for removing Obama?
Trump 2016TRUMP
Wow they are evil, getting there way like whining babies
I have never seen so many people afraid of one guy they know Donald Trump tells the truth and they are afraid that he might uncover something that they do not want anyone to know about what a bunch of sad sack liberials. That definitely is being a spoiled sport, fraidy cats can’t take the heat you are pathetic.
you go Trump. True Americans stand behind you…we are all so tired of government growing bigger than our salaries can support.