Two weeks before Shannon Miles crept up on Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth in the cover of darkness and killed him execution-style with shots to the back of the head in November of 2015, the New Black Panthers promised Texas cops they would do just that – just thirty miles separated these events.
In the very same county, around 15 armed members taunted Harris County Sheriff’s Office deputies on August 12 with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
The group also shouted “You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”
How coincidental that only 2 weeks after video of the New Black Panthers conducting this event was released that we would see someone make good on this promise…
See Video Page 2:
This government don’t want to work just set on their sorry$#%&!@*and block trump who wants to change.the lying stealing plotting corrupt career politicians can’t steal anymore if trump is their
time to take these people to a new country, deport them
DO NOT Arrest them just shoot them
Cops need to start taking action against these damn thugs walking around with guns mouthing off about killing people you walk down the street with a gun cops be all over your$#%&!@* in a heart beat
No you won’t.
Come creeping up and the garbage trucks can pickup your body with the rest of the garbage in the morning
We ought to have an open season on them here in Texas like we do on cougars.Kinda of sound the same
Put a bounty on their heads and hang them up on barb wire fences.
D.O.J. Make Your Call, HUH???