Two weeks before Shannon Miles crept up on Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth in the cover of darkness and killed him execution-style with shots to the back of the head in November of 2015, the New Black Panthers promised Texas cops they would do just that – just thirty miles separated these events.
In the very same county, around 15 armed members taunted Harris County Sheriff’s Office deputies on August 12 with various threatening chants, such as “The revelation is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!”
The group also shouted “You’re gonna stop doing what you’re doing, or we will start creeping up on you in the darkness.”
How coincidental that only 2 weeks after video of the New Black Panthers conducting this event was released that we would see someone make good on this promise…
See Video Page 2:
That$#%&!@*would last a good 2 hours in Texas…
morons…and we will turn the night into day and the heavens will rain down upon you m188 in biblical proportions
Come to Texas. Currently there ‘re one million registered buns and about ten times more unregistered.
Plenty of us would rather take you out than talk.
It’s a “HATE GROUP”, YOUR A DUMB$#%&!@*it you they are not!!!!
Hey are they wuth the mulsims too?
Sneak up on right there in front of them..are you cowardly
Turds– that not only works both ways but some fool is likely to try it by long distance.If this is not a Black Panther threat against cops I don’t know what would be. I think when the c**p hits the fan the blow back will be terrible.
Be careful what you ask for. We are done with your hate. Go to Iraq and run your chops.
They are one of biggest terrorist groups. A bunch of instagators
Just take all the thugs out. Police need federal police to come in to help them take them all to prison.