On Tuesday, 2 New Black Panther Party members admitted in federal court that they planned to blow up a police stating using remotely triggered bombs and to assassinate Robert McCulloch, the prosecutor who handled the Michael Brown grand jury, and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson.
These were the same guys who were busted by the FBI last November while waiting on their EBT cards to be credited so they could purchase more explosive materials, being short of cash.
It would be nice if we could just drop these THUGS off in a third world country or the ocean……..see how long they would still have these thoughts!!!
Okay really .. Is that how its gunna happen
Couldn’t they have waited til after to arrest them? Two solutions are better than one.
How can you be “a wanna be bad$#%&!@*” , when you have to wait until your EBT has $$ on it? Couple of broke $#%&!@* stupid chumps…
Love the one with the tablecloth on his head
that is a good solution Teresa …but far too expensive & time consuming & would do little toward detering others. I’m with Walt on this one. A 9 mm round cost under a US dollar & takes only seconds to squeeze one off. Would it deter others …eventually there will be no others!
Why’s that douche bag wearing a tablecloth from kfc?
Quit being a $#%&!@* about it than and go settle your business like a man instead of expecting someone to do it for you… That’s what I thought, a web warrior. Bring words for someone behind a computer
You’re free to go make them do it instead of being a $#%&!@* behind a computer screen