President Obama has no experience in business, yet he continues to try to pick winners and losers in commerce. One of the largest trade pacts in the history of the world is just one such example.
It is hard to say who will win and who will lose with that trade deal because most of it is being kept secret, with no chance for the public or U.S. businesses to comment or object since the negotiations are being held in secret, which is not a surprise from the “most transparent administration in history.”
This is the same kind of nonsense that happened with the nuclear weapons pact with Iran, which turned out to be a gigantic giveaway by the U.S. to the Iranians, with the mullahs now ignoring virtually all aspects of the agreement and still calling for death to America. Obama is one crafty negotiator.
Obama and his administration is also as corrupt as they come and he and his cronies should all be sharing a jail cell instead of the White House. An example of the kind of dishonest, insider dealing from the administration comes from New Balance shoes.
Insider wheeling and dealing with New Balance, page 2:
Sand$#%&!@*needs to be out down
I believe there was a law/is a law on the books, but it isn’t enforced anymore….main reason is there are almost no textile factories in the U.S., as there was at one time.
The only reason New Balance came forward is they aren’t getting the contract they wanted….New Balance imports almost everything they make (might make 5 or 6 models of shoes here, the rest of their line is imported….)….So they would be still importing shoes made in China whether or not this TPP happens.
Obama is our biggest national security risk and needs to be removed! Trump for president!
I guess things have changed. At Paris Island in 1989 all our go fasters were New Balance.
When is cogress going to do their jobs they all need to be fired
Hillary and Obama have the same goals to destroy America so that Soro’s globalization plan will go into effect! The NWO and Communism isn’t for Americans who are used to their freedoms! The constitution was set up for the protection of ALL the people not for just the elites in power!!!! DO NOT VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!!!!!
Barry has fornicated American business while trying to bolster NWO efforts.
He certainly knows how to mess a country up, why can’t we send him packing to iran, he sure likes them an awful lot!