President Obama has no experience in business, yet he continues to try to pick winners and losers in commerce. One of the largest trade pacts in the history of the world is just one such example.
It is hard to say who will win and who will lose with that trade deal because most of it is being kept secret, with no chance for the public or U.S. businesses to comment or object since the negotiations are being held in secret, which is not a surprise from the “most transparent administration in history.”
This is the same kind of nonsense that happened with the nuclear weapons pact with Iran, which turned out to be a gigantic giveaway by the U.S. to the Iranians, with the mullahs now ignoring virtually all aspects of the agreement and still calling for death to America. Obama is one crafty negotiator.
Obama and his administration is also as corrupt as they come and he and his cronies should all be sharing a jail cell instead of the White House. An example of the kind of dishonest, insider dealing from the administration comes from New Balance shoes.
Insider wheeling and dealing with New Balance, page 2:
It’s Called Insider Trading. And illegal.
It’s Called Insider Trading. And illegal.
Oct 1. The UN will have control of our internet. Get Ready. So please get what is needed to be said out to as many as you can.
cancle the nafta, and ttp start over with new president.
Obama America’s Destroyer.
He is the biggest POS i’ve ever known in my lifetime.
How many times does Obama have too prove to someone that this frickin’ idiot has no experience in anything. He was a community organizer prior to being resident. All he can do is read a TelePrompTer and lie.
What you expect from Muslim his not born here how he become president that’s a big question . His a scum bag keep giving moneyh now the federal is missing 9 trillion whee they go the lady who’s responsible don’t know what to answer the judge that s so much money . Ask who received and send she don’t have no idea it could help the veterans homeless and Americans 9 trillion wow hope they keep going this case and take care of who give the permission . Ask Obama and Hilary I bet they know .
but no one will impeach him
All trails lead to soros and rothchild… they arr the root to all problems on earth