Unbound delegates were given the green light by Virginia Federal Court Judge Robert E. Payne to cast their votes at the Republican National Convention for any Presidential candidate they would like. This ruling is a big win for the #NeverTrump movement.
There are at least 30 delegates who hope to “thwart Trump” on the convention floor. Unrah does not have an alternative to Trump, but their goal is to vote their conscience is summed up in the letter.
“This literally is an ‘Anybody but Trump’ movement,” she told The Washington Post. “Nobody has any idea who is going to step up and be the nominee, but we’re not worried about that. We’re just doing that job to make sure that he’s not the face of our party.”
“Anybody but Trump” has a voice in Kendal Unruh, the leader of the group Free the Delegates, whose goal is to get a majority of the “112-member rules committee to support her proposal” that will allow delegates to vote their conscience at the Republican National Convention.
“If any such delegate notifies the secretary of his or her intent to cast a vote of conscience, whether personal or religious, each such delegate shall be unbound and unconstrained by these rules on any given vote, including the first ballot for the selection of the president of the United States, without the risk of challenge, sanction or retribution by the Republican National Committee (RNC),” the letter postmarked Saturday reads.
Beau Correll, Virginia Republican delegate sued the Commonwealth so that Virginia delegates could cast their votes for “the candidate of their choice on the first ballot instead of the winner of the Republican state primary, Donald Trump.”
Read more on the next page about the #NeverTrump coup.
The CORRUPT LYING POS KILLARY must NEVER be allowed in OUR White House again !!!!
I guess they want Killery to win
—” I would think this would be illegal “—-ONLY when it happens to the Repubs.
Seems to me Bernie and his followers are ” feeling the Burn” of the rigged system too.
Seems to me Trump is the only one with the balls to call it what it is , ” a rigged system”.
Trump train is rolling without you d-bags . He is the people’s pick. You change that the American people will rise up revolt and end you American hating pos. You can bank on that$#%&!@*s!
All those useful idiots will accomplish is to hand the election to the demonrats!
Careful what you wish for
Silly GOP thinking they have the luxury of choosing the most conservative candidate.
What’s that word for a Republican who doesn’t support the Republican nominee? Oh yeah, a Democrat.
I still have not heard what Trump did that was so wrong, would someone please explain. I mean things he has been found guilty of in a court of law, not just been falsely accused of. The bankruptcies to reorganize businesses , which he paid off, are common practice as business people know..