The standoff at the Malheur wildlife refuge in Oregon has officially ended, with the last four holdouts turning themselves in on Thursday. The protest started when agents took two ranchers in to serve a five year sentence for arson. The charge was tremendous overreach and a true breach of justice, since the ranchers had already served an abbreviated sentence determined by the first judge, and the charge of “arson” stemmed from the ranchers burning underbrush on their own ranch which then crossed onto federal land. The ranchers put the blaze out with no outside help, and the burned land is now more productive than ever. But the federal government, and the complicit environmental groups, are determined to control the western states and as much of the land as possible.
In fact, despite established law stating that the federal government can “own” no more than 10 square miles of property in the Washington D.C. area, the feds have laid claim to 51% of the total land mass of 11 western states. The illegal and unfair taking of more than half of the West compares poorly with the East which is relatively free of federal government ownership. For example, just 0.7% of New York is owned by the federal government.
However, the feds were embarrassed and humiliated by the ranchers who dared to protest the monumental overreach of the government, and they were determined to make an example of the them. That was accomplished when they laid in wait for the leaders of the protest when they drove to a meeting in another town. The agents forced the vehicle of one of the leaders off the road into a snowbank, waited for him to emerge from his truck, and then gunned him down in a case of cold blooded murder. But apparently their blood lust is not yet satiated.
Another victim for the feds, page 2:
They shot LaVoy Finicum 9 times. while he was unarmed and had his hands up in the air. All their weapons had been left at the refuge. It was an ambush. This man had done nothing wrong. He stood up for his beliefs in the Constitution. I believe that BO & Killery sold Federal land to Russia for uranium. They used paid mercenaries to murder LaVoy……
He has been arrested because of an illegal organization known as the BLM that is breaking all of the Constitutional Laws of the land, (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the US Constitution). How is this government any different from any other Mafia in the world? IT’S NOT! Also, let’s not forget about the two men this Mafia just murdered in cold blood.
Conspiracy is a two way street.
Unfortunately it’s dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
This is an out of control, power hungry government!!
So the Feds are stealing the man’s property under some phony EPA rights so they can have it mined for the valuable ores–I think I got it right !
Do not plea!
Drugs and Thugs and Black Lives Matter and Illegals run wild in America and murder police and the FBI has to murder Americas’ Farmers??? Where is the media??? Where is the Muslim Brotherhood Obama??? Are WE Proud American Patriots Now??? Remember LaVoy Finicum when you put that fork of food up to your mouth!!! Ladies, each month, remember LaVoy Finicum when you use cotton!!! Vegans, eating your carrots, remember LaVoy Finicum!!! PETA, hugging your “FREE Range” steak, remember LaVoy Finicum!!! Murdering Americas’ Farmers/Ranchers!!!
If they can get Bail. Trunp will give them back their Ranch and Grazing Land. Plus a Big Pardon.
God will deal with them
Of course it was like the Ferguson riot where oh no sorry. This is a guy who the government sized their land…. who pays his taxes and who has no rights in the new Amerika