In the never ending Middle East drama of Israel and the Palestinian State, this week at the UN, the Palestinian Leader Abbas addressed the UN and ended his speech with a bombshell-his words, that the Palestinian State would no longer be engaged in the “peace process” with Israel. The UN is a very liberal organization, who many believe does little good, as they are very biased, hoodwinked by the Palestinians, who have broken all promises they agreed to in the last 25 years.
The Palestinian State refuses to acknowledge that Israel is a Nation. They refer to Israel as the “occupying force”. Abbas as the President, of the Palestinian State, supports Hamas and Hezbollah, evidenced by his demands for the known terrorists held by Israel to be released.
Obama is pro-Palestinian. And has treated Israel, like the bad step-son. Obama would want nothing more than for the world to abandon Israel-and he has succeeded. Abbas was given a standing ovation at the UN, this man who lies and calls Israel “the occupying force”, and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel was ignored, with hardly anyone in attendance.
watch Netanyahu “death stare” the world down next page
Derek Prince – The Enemies We Face (Part 1-4):
Anti Semitism has nothing to do with Zionism. You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist that’s a propaganda trick. Your programming tells you to follow Israel blindly when those who are in charge of Israel are the same scumbag group that runs the banking system and the corporate US. Drop the religious filter and observe the people behind these moves and you will see it yourself.
God bless Isreal, I am so angry at our potus and his endless acts against our basic constitutional rights who is this guy really working for!!!!
What has happened in the world.did we forget the holocaust and saying never again.we need to disband the un and use that valuable real estate for better purposes.
You are a anti jewish bigot.
What else do you expect them to do when such a small nation is surrounded by people that hate you.and what about the Palestinians .no arab country wants them and they have most of the land surrounding israel.ask yourself why.
God bless Isreal
Alan Manley, truth is zionism relies on/needs/creates anti-semitism to further their goals:
Matthew read i was responding to Palmer what are you on about