Israel long ago correctly identified Barack Obama as someone they could not trust. For all his protestations to the contrary, he is not at all interested in the welfare of Israel. And he despises its Prime Minister, and actually deployed some of his apparatchiks in an attempt to defeat Netanyahu in the last election.
(Wait, isn’t Obama all self-righteous and such as he accuses the Russians of interfering in our election? An inconvenient fact, there…)
In fact, it is obvious that nations with oppressive regimes such as Saudi Arabia are far more dear to his heart. Recall his pathetic bowing before the Saudi king.
So it comes as no surprise that Mr. Obama took advantage of a conveniently timed UN Security Council resolution to give Israel a parting gift by stabbing the nation in the back.
More on page two.
we will stand with Israel they are gods people
Something got my attention and thats how Obama is trying to shore up all his so called legacy seeing that most of his supporters were crooked and why should that amaze anybody the devil cant find any rest he will be on the warpath with Christianity from here on out even more so in the open on our shores dont be overwhelmed by the darkness it will pass even darkness has its place but thats soon to change this war in Heaven still rages Good against evil and the pawns are here on earth living in and around Jerusalem , Israel and concerning the mount and the disputed ownership of Jerusalem undivided actually it never was througout history it has always belonged to Israel .
Just more UN Bullcrap
All together it makes the worlds worst decsion makers they cant even manage thier own countries let alone attempt to make the USA a slave to them thats another of Obamas Legacy that He wont brag about because it will cause him to be hung…worthy of the death penalty.
The Honorable Mr Trump will have his hands full with all the layers of silt that has formed within the whiltehouse walls and the dead weight tick politicians that were racially selected on purpose to forward Obamas crooked agenda even after he left office …..its like now get rid of the residue the c**p in the cracks and dark places Obama has gone to and fumagate it so we get those larvae before they hatch
Of course he is going to suck up to the Islamic’s.
Arrest Obama for treason