When Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy, many expected the presidential election to turn into a nasty brawl. Considering the man’s history of controversial remarks, paired with his huge personality, a focused effort to stop the man from entering the Oval Office was all but guaranteed.
What seemed unlikely at the time was that the brawl would start so early — and would come from within the ranks of the Republican party.
The Party establishment’s disdain for Trump is well documented, but now the party’s foreign policy hawks are joining in on the Anti-Trump war.
They’re upset with Trump’s refusal to support the war in Iraq, and are repulsed by his assertion that he would negotiate a deal between Israel and Palestine.
It seems Trump’s refusal to accept war as a forgone conclusion has many neo-cons within the party losing sleep at night.
See what these neo-conservative leaders have to say about trump on the next page, including their shocking admission as to who they would prefer:
Really have your head in the sand need to open your eyes.our country is being overrun by illegals from all countries.WAKE UP
So I guess if Jesus came to you and ask you for help and you didn’t know it was him but you didn’t like what I look like or how he talked it was okay for you to mistreat them or turn your back on him what would you do then
We the people are determined to send a message to the Republican establishment that we are not just regaining ownership of the party, but are going to elect Donald Trump and take our country back! The GOP will find itself a memberless party if they go forward with Romney’s plan for a brokered convention. If Trump is edged out and forced to run as an independent, his supporters will follow him and a “Republican” will not be moving back into the White House this fall.
Anyone who votes for Hillary is a traitor to this country. They should be shot just for being that stupid
You know you freaking people are stupid . don’t give a$#%&!@*what adds what lies are spread about trump just makes my stand with Trump stronger.go Trump
Killary is right at the top for corruption.i can’t believe anyone would give her the time of day.
They are traitors and fools if they vote for Hillary against the wishes of the people of their own party!
True colors
I understand there are traitors in every cause!!! What goes around comes around!!!!
If they even consider voting for killary, they do not have one iota of conservatism in their souls. What assholes.