As his YouTube video describes, like many citizens, one Nebraska man had grave concerns about Operation Jade Helm. He had learned of the impending event and wanted to learn more, so he quite reasonably made a call to his local law enforcement officials and then to his governor’s office. The result? The next thing he new, he faced a visit from two FBI agents!
It seems quite odd for the FBI to take time to confront this man at his house over a simple phone call for information! Had he been threatening on the phone, one would assume the agents would have mentioned it. Instead, the agents state they have only arrived pursuant to his call because they “follow up on anything national like that…”
Are the feds so concerned with public reaction to Jade Helm they feel the need to utilize resources to chase down individuals who make phone calls? Or, as some believe, is Jade Helm, at least in part, some sort of ground reconnaissance for patriots and those on the ‘red list’?
Watch the video clip and decide for yourself on the NEXT PAGE:
Red dawn
What are they going to do call for Marshal Law for this communist commander Oboma and put us all in prison. The sleep little giant will be ready for them all. We already know where a lot of your hiding places under ground are.
Not good
If there is nothing to worry about with Jade Helm, why this type of reaction from any government agency. I do not trust that SOB in the White House to even clean a cat’s litter box.
Wtf ima try this I live in Nebraska
Hahaha new idea: y not everyone call ur governor and see if anyone gets a visit fbi would go crazy with all those house visit hhahaha
Nothing will let me see or read about this or anything else about it…
WOW— unbelievable…
I promise you it’s not to help the public at all their getting ready to commit operation round up!!!