Hillary Clinton only cares about one thing — herself. She’s made this clear many times throughout her life in the public eye. After her husband got tied up in an embarrassing sex scandal, Hillary refused
When Bill Clinton found himself the center of the nation’s most scandalous sex scandal, Mrs. Clinton stood by her man. It wasn’t because she loved him — they never seemed particularly close — but Hillary had other plans. She wanted to run for the senate, and being the wife of a former president was central to those plans.
After she left the Senate, she used her influence to become the nation’s top diplomat. During her stint, she excused herself of accountability by hiding her emails on a private server, then lied to the parents of the Benghazi terrorist attack in order to protect her image and the image of her party going into the 2012 presidential election.
All of this and much, much more has given Hillary Clinton the appearance of one of the most self-serving politicians in history, but does she deserve the title?
If her personal behavior is any indication — yes. Many look to politician’s private work to get a clearer look into the “true character” of these men and women, but even privately, Hillary Clinton seems as selfish as can be. See why on the next page:
Tyranny at its finest
I’ll bet that was how they paid so little in taxes………Make tax deductible donations to Charities funded by the Clinton foundation itself thus getting your own money back and no taxes taken out. Nice scam…………
Crooked Hillary.
Gee, maybe we can all get away with funding ourselves thru charity?
“Hey Bubba, I’ve just finished writing my new soap opera, titled “The Days of Our Lies.”
I want to thank you for giving me the idea, due to the fact you’ve had a great deal of experience.
“What are you talking about Hillary?”
“Well Billy Bob, do you remember the time you told me , “Like in golf make sure you have a good lie?”
“Yea, sure do!”
“Well yesterday I pared the course by lying about, Benghazi, The Clinton Foundation and the thousands of emails you told me to delete from my private server.”
“By the way,Slick Willy, I’ll give you this, when you were president and felt like engaging in sexual relations, “(unlike FDR and JFK,) you never left the Oval Office, but instead remained hard on the job.?
Yup! and Letwinsky can attest to that, except I told her never to speak with a mouthful.
“Well you’re not with her now.”
“I know, but Barak’s interviewing Monica in the Oval Office for an internship position!”
And Congress does nothing
Pad your own pocket.