Hillary Clinton only cares about one thing — herself. She’s made this clear many times throughout her life in the public eye. After her husband got tied up in an embarrassing sex scandal, Hillary refused
When Bill Clinton found himself the center of the nation’s most scandalous sex scandal, Mrs. Clinton stood by her man. It wasn’t because she loved him — they never seemed particularly close — but Hillary had other plans. She wanted to run for the senate, and being the wife of a former president was central to those plans.
After she left the Senate, she used her influence to become the nation’s top diplomat. During her stint, she excused herself of accountability by hiding her emails on a private server, then lied to the parents of the Benghazi terrorist attack in order to protect her image and the image of her party going into the 2012 presidential election.
All of this and much, much more has given Hillary Clinton the appearance of one of the most self-serving politicians in history, but does she deserve the title?
If her personal behavior is any indication — yes. Many look to politician’s private work to get a clearer look into the “true character” of these men and women, but even privately, Hillary Clinton seems as selfish as can be. See why on the next page:
All Hilley wants is MONEY and POWER!!!
Out one pocket and into another pocket on the same pants suit. 6% total out lay for their helping the world. 94% to helping themselves.
yes where is all this money spend of what benifit dose the money help anyone but the clintons and there friends,,,, where dose the money go
Not crooked much
Dey slick
<< shocked !!
What does it matter? Nobody is going to do anything about this money laundering scam, and the Progressive Socialist Party (formerly known as the Democrat Party) Just don’t care how unethical, how untrustworthy she is, it how much she lies, they want her to be the president.
They truly are their own best friends!
She thinks she can talk her way out of anything!!!