The NDAA is one of the most flagrant anti-constitutional laws created. It suspends posse comitatus, which prevents the federal government to use the military as a police force on American soil.
Now, the president can indefinitely detain any American citizen and hold them indefinitely without a trial.
NDAA 2014, which just quietly passed the House and Senate through fast-tracking, expands on the governments power to detain you.
Section 1071 outlines the creation of the “Conflict Records Research Center”, allows information unconstitutionally obtained by the NSA to be shared with the Department of Defense. The information, called in the wording “captured records,” can be anything from your phone records, emails, browsing history or posts on social media sites.
It authorizes massive spending, including $527 billion in base defense spending for the current fiscal year, funding for the war in Afghanistan, and funding for nuclear weapons programs.
The indefinite detention allowed by the original NDAA is still here, and it’s actually worse now, because there are provisions that will make it easier for the government to target those who disagree. Section 1071 outlines the creation of the “Conflict Records Research Center”, where the unconstitutionally obtained information that the NSA has collected is compiled and shared with the Department of Defense. The information, called in the wording “captured records,” can be anything from your phone records, emails, browsing history or posts on social media sites.
One thing that was omitted is the amendment on the prosecution of sexual assaults in the military. So, we can all be locked up indefinitely for crimes that haven’t been proven, but they don’t care so much if military members continue to rape other military members.
Ask yourself…Do you want to live in a communist state with little if any freedoms. Your government telling you what you can and can’t do. We would become an enslaved nation to corrupt government. PLEASE WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
How did that get past us…….There has been no discussion about this. Did those guys and gals read this bill. If they did, why would go anywhere!!
That Congress SUPPORTS infringing our rights is reprehensible. That a President would SIGN a bill doing so, is an ABOMINATION. That the courts would UPHOLD it is a BETRAYAL. That ALL theses people SWORE to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States is TREASONOUS. That the people ACCEPT it is pathetic.
Well who gets locked up for stealing 6 billion dollars mr president.
The same way Obamacare got through!
No Incumbents. They have not fired Kerry, Holder, Biden, and Obama. They have not repealed the NDAA and Obamacare. Vote every one of them out. They gave us the War on Terror and they allowed groups like the National Endowment for Democracy to fund the violence in the Ukraine to support Obama’s Agenda.
No Incumbents.
I pray every night to God asking for his help to cleanse this evil from our country. God help if this is what our country is becoming
Richard I hope you are right
time for the people to stand up and take back our country