According to Fox News, “Cultural progressives in Winston-Salem, North Carolina want to change the name of the Dixie Classic Fair.” According to their own website, the DCF is “celebrating its 133nd year in 2015, the Dixie Classic Fair is the second largest agricultural Fair in North Carolina”. The state of the art carnival rides, entertainment, competitions, food and more food, all scream out to progressives that offensiveness is afoot and the name must be changed. A changed name always creates a more positive atmosphere.
Councilman James Taylor told FOX8 that some folks find the word “offensive” and some folks are “angry” with the name. He said that as a progressive city – they need a name that “everyone can appreciate.”
How is it that “some folks” find the word “offensive” and the rest of the folks have to accommodate their hurt feelings? It appears that the angry people are not even from the town according to reporters.
– and nobody around town seems to be all that irate – according to FOX8. They said their reporters could not find a single person who took offense at the name.
Check out more of the story at Fox News.
Photo: Brian Leon on Flickr
Ignore them. Let them kick and scream, through themselves on the floor and drum their heels, and hold their breaths until they turn blue (democrat color). Ignore them and pretty soon, when they don’t get the attention they were expecting, they will get up and go play. It works with spoiled brats so it should work with liberals (same thing).
I think that with a little effort we could offend to the point that there empty heads would explode.Only thing is, if brains were c4 it wouldn’t be enough to mess their hair. I could hit the like button for that one though
Agitators brought in – sounds like scabs! & I’m not just whistling Dixie! I whistle with Pride!
Not the Democratic Party any longer, they should go by POP…
(Perpetually Offended Party)
Stoooo…pid!!! 🙂
Banned is a bad word …It is an effort to control peoples’ thoughts and intimidate the citizens . .. Now I wonder why Muslims don’t ban beheadings , kidnapping , forcing young girls into marriages , keeping slaves , rapeing and killing all who disagree with them . Seems all those bad things are allowed ..But having a ham sandwich … or a pig in a story is evil ……………Very strange thought process .