In the left’s never-ending campaign to convince people that climate change is a real issue, they’ve sunk to some deep and often strange lows.
But their latest argument is so bizarre that you can actually feel the desperation while reading about it. In a study called “Maybe Next Month? Temperature Shocks, Climate Change, and Dynamic Adjustments in Birth Rates” researchers actually relate temperatures to the amount of sex people are having and how it affects the birth rate.
Wait until you see their conclusion.
Find out what researchers found on the next page.
What Sex life lol
They may fool some of the people some of the time, but they can’t fool all the people all the time! THEY FORGET, WE ARE NOT STUPID! WE KNOW THIS IS A FABRICATED LIE!
Ya right….
We got ALL THE HEAT WE NEED in our house ! ! I don’t listen to these quacks. Al Gore … BWAAAAAH HAAA HAAAAA ! Boy did he get rich off of this BS or WHAT ! The ice caps are bigger than EVER !
Well sure it will… girlfriend melted away! She’s just a puddle of what she once was.
You are full of it.
the planet changes itself every 100 years and to add to that we have seen the changes in our weather system but that is not global warming because if we had global warming then our winters would be warm well in fact it is getting colder and i know this cause we need heating to keep warm so it is about time to find new scientist to figure out how they were allowed to get away with all those lies they have been telling everybody can we the people sue our governments for stealing our money in taxes and get this back because they were all wrong ,..