Almost from the beginning of his candidacy, Donald Trump has been attacked by the mainstream press for being racist, sexist, and intolerant of non-Christians. Regardless of the truthfulness of the stories themselves, the networks seem to be pleased with the their strategy of smearing the GOP hopeful, and they’re moving on to their next target, his supporters.
NBC News has recently posted a bit of “news” that claims that Trump’s supporters are just as “racist” as the candidate himself.
The “evidence” they use is laughable: They’re white, support the enforcement of immigration law, and are concerned about their safety in the face of refugees coming from ISIS-held territories.
According to NBC, that’s all it takes.
Check out quotes from the article itself on the next page:
Well racist I am Trump is the man.hillary is a tratior and you ain’t seen nothing yet..this is America .love every body is hard when your called racist everytime you disagree with someone . Yall are stupid ..NBC
If you work for NBC you are probably delusional.
Fear brings the threats to the surface. I dont watch this company if at all possible
You can ALWAYS Tell when you are winning an arguement or Debate with a Liberal Dirtbag….They Call You a RACIST.
If you watch NBC News you are terminally brain damaged.
NBC obviously has no idea what racism is.
So what. Guess who else is racist in this country. .why are you just targeting Trump followers. .do you live in this countr, or under a rock…stupid people
No way.!! Get real.! Truth hurts.!!
You can tell all they want to do is destroy America