Almost from the beginning of his candidacy, Donald Trump has been attacked by the mainstream press for being racist, sexist, and intolerant of non-Christians. Regardless of the truthfulness of the stories themselves, the networks seem to be pleased with the their strategy of smearing the GOP hopeful, and they’re moving on to their next target, his supporters.
NBC News has recently posted a bit of “news” that claims that Trump’s supporters are just as “racist” as the candidate himself.
The “evidence” they use is laughable: They’re white, support the enforcement of immigration law, and are concerned about their safety in the face of refugees coming from ISIS-held territories.
According to NBC, that’s all it takes.
Check out quotes from the article itself on the next page:
Most of us get pretty tired of being called racist, angry, uneducated and ignorant. Hard to win over supporters when you call them names all the time. Bad move.
If you support Hilliary Rodham Clinton then you must be an Islamic Radical Terrorist, after seeing what they can do after 8 years in office. Why would you elect another one????
you’re a sexist if you cast your vote based on the candidates gender.
I’ve never been racist a day in my life. I have a black adopted son in the service but just because I’m voting for Trump I am constantly called a racist!!
Donald Trump For President
NBC “poppycock” TV
So ridiculous! Throw out all the labels. It’s getting old,
If you watch NBC News you’re likely a badly misinformed fool.
If you pay any attention to NBC, you’re likely an idiot!!
No you are Vote Trump Hillary is a murder and a lier