Reporter Mark Mulholland from NBC NewsChannel 13 and camera man Matt Soriano were threatened with arrest by a man who claimed to be a corrections lieutenant simply for filming in a national park with an empty prison in the background.
Mulholland was doing an on-site story about Grant’s Cottage in Wilton, NY for the 129th anniversary of President Ulysses S. Grant death.
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fema camp
That’s why they have him guarding an empty prison because he probably got his ass whipped in one with prisoners in it.
Does the Press ever understand “No”. It appears not. Their actions hurt & get people killed, yet they cannot be reigned in. They are allowed to print lies etc without control. This is not freedom it is wrong! Put a stop to it ASAP!
It is full of terrorists.
Do they know what they have done? Now people believe that something is happening in that empty Prison that they don’t want anyone to know about.
Maybe it wasn’t empty. Could be illegals in there courtesy of Obama
What is being hidden in an empty prison? Can you guess?
Well it’s not empty now; boy did he fall for that? Only NBC!
What are they hiding there?