Reporter Mark Mulholland from NBC NewsChannel 13 and camera man Matt Soriano were threatened with arrest by a man who claimed to be a corrections lieutenant simply for filming in a national park with an empty prison in the background.
Mulholland was doing an on-site story about Grant’s Cottage in Wilton, NY for the 129th anniversary of President Ulysses S. Grant death.
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With the typical trademark of this “Illegal” Administration, another “Illegal” Act! What were they hiding? Hancock,New York, is known to be the National Headquarters for the 35 Secret muslimTerrorist Training Camps under the direction of Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani in Lahore,Pakistan. There was an article about the hundreds of Chartered Flights that the Obama Administration is bringing in 30,000 muslims to immigrate to our Beloved United States of America, undercover! Question, could this be one of the locations Obama is housing them until he moves them into our communities? Or is it in preparation to supplement the 800 FEMA camps his GESTAPO (DHS) has prepared for our lodging when he rounds us all up to be eliminated? What’s your theory? Both the New York State Police and the “Corrections” Officer seem to be terribly worried?
journalist is not a good profession to be in now
Obama is hiding something he don’t want us to see
Another CIA torture prison ????
What? Why ????
Why???? Does our government have jihad training going on there??????
Perhaps. it is not empty.
It could be turning into a fema camp? Fed need them to lockup all USA citizens
Yea I would say a FEMA camp too