Reporter Mark Mulholland from NBC NewsChannel 13 and camera man Matt Soriano were threatened with arrest by a man who claimed to be a corrections lieutenant simply for filming in a national park with an empty prison in the background.
Mulholland was doing an on-site story about Grant’s Cottage in Wilton, NY for the 129th anniversary of President Ulysses S. Grant death.
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People r going crazy tks to bama for no law
For political dissidents to be put to death, do they have smoke stacks there? Obama isn’t going to leave in2016 and they;re preparing for the riots and coup attempts. Why do you think they’re arming every fed org, like the USDA , USPS, IRS, NPS, etc?? Why do you think Obama wants to disarm us? Hitler , Mao, Stalin etc, all disarmed their populace before they killed millions of them
There’s something rotten in Denmark and I hope someone gets to the bottom of what’s going on in that “empty” prison.
Because the prison close by is being used in secret and they did not want it to be shown on film for fear of investigation and curiosity by the public. Simple as that. Why else would they get all mad about it and make threats? Think about it. FEMA has used a lot of these areas and prisons, and not only them, but the entire elite system in one way or another. Abandoned prison? yeah right.
It’s most likely not empty
Future FEMA camp! Why would there be a CO Lt at a “empty” prison anyway???? It’s EMPTY!!
What’s the name of the “closed prison”?
He’s a guard, not a cop.
How do you like the New World Order so far?
Illegals are housed there.