Reporter Mark Mulholland from NBC NewsChannel 13 and camera man Matt Soriano were threatened with arrest by a man who claimed to be a corrections lieutenant simply for filming in a national park with an empty prison in the background.
Mulholland was doing an on-site story about Grant’s Cottage in Wilton, NY for the 129th anniversary of President Ulysses S. Grant death.
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I don’t believe it’s tight security because they’re filming a movie. I’ve been to San Francisco while they’re filming several movies and there’s never tight security. There’s been movies filmed here in Texas and there’s never tight security. So to Ms. Pitstop, that’s BS, sell that to someone else.
I read a story that the gop passed a law that you can’t take a picture of gov property without a permit. Not even in your car. Its a thousand dollar fine if you are caught. Just another freedom taken from us by OBAMA
And yet the media still covers for the government. Ya’ll getting it yet there mister news man?
Wake up America… If there is nothing to hide then why all the fuss :/
Just when NBC News Crew was trying to change their image – Shame on this copper
Must be a FEMA camp. I heard that the government was taking up a lot of land to turn them into wildlife protection places. Hmmmm! Maybe Fema camps?
Maybe it’s another fema camp
FEMA camp…