Reporter Mark Mulholland from NBC NewsChannel 13 and camera man Matt Soriano were threatened with arrest by a man who claimed to be a corrections lieutenant simply for filming in a national park with an empty prison in the background.
Mulholland was doing an on-site story about Grant’s Cottage in Wilton, NY for the 129th anniversary of President Ulysses S. Grant death.
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Freedom of the press. It was sacred at one time in this country.
it has start –your freedom is at stake –this coming election replace the senators that vote for the UN Gun Treaty introduce by Hilary Clinton – a direct attack on the 2nd amendment — oh bye they way they were all democrats
Lock and load NY! Stand up against tyrants!
Even petty tyrants like that dip…
Sure makes you wonder what they are hiding there, or is this another case of crony capitalism, providing jobs for something that doesn’t exist.
Makes no sense to us but it probably does to somebody. I wonder who and why?
This couldn’t be any more narcissistic! Their behavior told on them, lol! What difference does it make if he was filming the historic site or the prison? Why couldn’t they stand right in front of it and film if they wanted to? Now, I want to Google Earth the location!
I do know that there are camps setup all over the country, but for what is the question? US????
what did the police NOT want them to film