The Ogallala Aquifer that runs through eight states is quickly running dry. It supplies water to the American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, which is an agricultural region that feeds much of the world.
“We’re headed for a brick wall at 100 miles per hour,” states James Mahan, a plant physiologist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service lab in Lubbock, TX.
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You can pump water back in from the ocean once it’s been cleaned of salts
Well ya’all better start developing a way to make Sea Water Consumable. Probelm solved…
Tell our government (Obama) to stop sending millions of gallons of our water to other countries. And stop allowing Nestle and other companies to use up all the water. This would be a good start…
Oh no, will this happen before the Sun goes out or before the big earthquake ??? Don’t forget about the Volcanoes you said will blow up last week. LMAO
the bible says 1 third of the world would die of starvation…its coming true..we are living in the end times
hahahaha i was wondering if people would blame obama for aquifers drying up, and they are!!!!! how about GOP puppet masters and their fracking and water wasting? Or corporations allowed unlimited water sucking privileges. You think it stated 7 years ago? wake up!
The Bible warns of droughts and so much more.
Being done on purpose by govt. Much could be done by Army Corps of engineers but Congress hides.
Free the fish & open the water ways
Need to face the facts!!!