The Ogallala Aquifer that runs through eight states is quickly running dry. It supplies water to the American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, which is an agricultural region that feeds much of the world.
“We’re headed for a brick wall at 100 miles per hour,” states James Mahan, a plant physiologist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service lab in Lubbock, TX.
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Never knew all our crops were watered by wells
Great job EPA you’ve done a great job….
Keep piping people in Obama! Put some more strain on our resources
More scare tactics
i’m guessing this is how they figure we’re going to be a country of 65 million by 2025.
first place to look is the one that owns the Aquifer. all water is owned by someone and who knows how true this report is? Our government and Big Business that is in control of Obama could have altered the numbers like in many other reports in the past. Anything to bring about a sense of panic in the nation especially as nothing on earth is more necessary than water.
or a reason to establish the Martial Law that the government and the UN have been trying to bring about for the last few months
They want people to beg for the U. N to help. You should know what’s going to happen next.
… well, we’ve been allowing corporations to sell water to China, to replenish theirs. It’s been leaving in barges. What did you think was going to happen ?