The Ogallala Aquifer that runs through eight states is quickly running dry. It supplies water to the American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, which is an agricultural region that feeds much of the world.
“We’re headed for a brick wall at 100 miles per hour,” states James Mahan, a plant physiologist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service lab in Lubbock, TX.
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I thought the Ogallala Aquifer was replenished every year with rain and snowfall we receive. That is what I was taught in school and I have lived here all my life and have never been told this by the State of SD!!!!
Floridas aquifer is dropping steadily.We have been on restrictions for years. We are “allowed”water our lawns twice a week now(up until a few months ago it was once a week) Yet they keep bringing these Water plants in and pump millions of gallons of water a day for sale.
Kerrie Marie Leeming X
Dennis Deitsch says:
“First of all water does not get used up. It just moves. From one place to another and in most cases back again. There is almost the same amount of water on this planet as there was from the beginning. The aquifer can be converted into a cistern and be refilled.
Also this one small area doesn’t feed billions of people. This is just sensationalism. News people and Researchers should be looking for a way to restore the water level rather than dwelling on the loss. How long have we known about this and done nothing? We should look toward using precipitation to refill the aquifer to relieve the problem before it worsens. I wonder how much we are going to waste in study and exploitation of a fixable problem rather than fixing it?”
Jeez,talk about terrorist attacks,we have them here first the Jihahs,then Ferguson, Ibola,Muslims now we are going to starve to death,distraction technique,let’s not forget Obama
Pipelines from places that always flood is the answer, you fix 2 problems at the same time. Of course at one time it would have only cost millions, now it will cost billions or trillions.
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That’s very starling!
Yep starling for sure
We need more immigrants,,dum de dum