The Ogallala Aquifer that runs through eight states is quickly running dry. It supplies water to the American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, which is an agricultural region that feeds much of the world.
“We’re headed for a brick wall at 100 miles per hour,” states James Mahan, a plant physiologist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service lab in Lubbock, TX.
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this is what happenes when the government relables water from a resource to a comobity,they sell it to whater ever country or company pays the most
Scam to gain control….. of the water so they can charge for it.
well water in the future will become the most expensive commodity in the world, who ever controls the water controls the people.
I’m glad I own all the water in the world , so I can allow everyone to have as much as they need..
How can America run out of water when the global warming nuts say the ice is melting and we’re going to flood? So confused right now.
Why not build desalinization plants?
yeah it is, and the $#%&!@*ing democrats are trying to corner the market.
Drying up here in Florida, for sure. That’s why sink holes are getting more common.
Another Obama/HITLER tactic to CONTROL “OUR” Water…. it’s total BS! and he needs to call off his terrorist from lighting anymore FIRES across the U.S. as well. ARREST that garbage already.
Holy $#%&!@* Tom Pesek, BEST COMMENT EVER!!!