The Ogallala Aquifer that runs through eight states is quickly running dry. It supplies water to the American Breadbasket of the Great Plains, which is an agricultural region that feeds much of the world.
“We’re headed for a brick wall at 100 miles per hour,” states James Mahan, a plant physiologist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service lab in Lubbock, TX.
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so why are all these illegals being allowed here ?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe some of these liberal bastards need to starve!
And in some states it’s illegal to catch rain water wtf they want us to be totally under their finger
Man is NOT GOD! HE gives the water & takes it as HE wills! “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.”(Heb. 10:31) HE is removing His hand of blessing, as we have turned our back on Him. May HE have mercy on us!!!
Ronaldus, how is hydraulic fracturing poisoning our water supplies? Do you know how deep our water tables are? Do you know how deep fracturing is done? Do some factual research on that. Most of these contaminated waters you see on documentaries or where ever you might be getting your information are not due to fracturing, but are natural. There are many heavily regulated laws gas companies have to abide by in the drilling/fracturing process to produce gas. Research surface casing.
Keep Fracking and destroying our $#%&!@*in lands,retards
They didn’t dry up,they were pumped dry by Halliburton for Fracking oil and gas out of the ground……our country is being turned upside down by Barack Obama and big business corporation interests
Maybe the people of this country should do their homework and suggest to their government that weather manipulation is going to kill us all if they don’t stop it ! They have been manipulating weather patterns for years in order to implement their Global warming scenario and collect tax money from you to give to the UN and your enemies ! Al Gore would have destroyed this country by now had he become President, so thank your lucky stars that the hanging chad was part of your history !
tell Obama and his epa and land management to stop draning lakes
Remember, this is coming from the barfbama administration.