Navy to Conduct Massive Live Ammunition Exercises on Our East Coast

Navy to Conduct Massive Live Ammunition Exercises on Our East Coast

This sheer size and diversity of the armed forces of the United States demand that training exercises be conducted, not just to keep the skills of individual units well-honed for battle, but to be sure that the various services and their components can function together as a unified force when called on to do so. Given the complexity of all of this, it’s no wonder that these exercises are in progress continually.

So in once sense, it should come as no surprise that there would be military drills scheduled for our Atlantic coast. We would wonder if command were derelict were such exercises not periodically scheduled.

Yet we remain concerned that environmental groups, eager to protect marine species from possible harm might have an undue impact on the effectiveness of these exercises.

In other words, we are far more concerned with protecting the homeland than we are creating stresses for marine species. While no desire to injure whales or any other mammals is intended, should an enemy be effective in penetrating our coastline and launching missiles, we could be looking at a catastrophic loss of human life, not to mention that the animals would not make out so well either.

So what is this upcoming exercise all about? More on page two.

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