This unprecedented weakening of our armed forces is part of a larger plan by President Obama to “transform” America as he likes to call it. Whereas before the US was a strong, proud nation, it now has become a second-rate power where it’s soldiers go without even the most basic of weapons:
“Meanwhile, Stars and Stripes reported last month the former active-duty operator and current reservist Lt. Cmdr. Sean Matson, who owns a military gear company, was summoned to Capitol Hill to discuss readiness woes.
Navy Times reports that has made some officials skeptical about whether the issue is one of supply, or that vendors would like to speed up the acquisition process to boost their businesses.
The Christian Science Monitor reports, however, the rifles-gap could be due to the dramatic rise in Special Operations Command troop levels in the past years, noting there were 33,600 about a decade ago and 56,000 today, including 2,450 SEALs in active duty.
The SOCOM budget for the 2016 fiscal year is $10.4 billion, and President Barack Obama suggested a $400 million increase for the coming fiscal year in his latest budget proposal.
The Navy also recently asked for more than $2 billion this year for ‘unfunded priorities’ including jets and a destroyer, according to Reuters.“
Source: Newsmax
that because makes sure that his terriorists get the supplies and guns before americans do overseas
That’s because Obama is giving them to his Isis!!
They are given to his muslims terrorist barstards
This post is irrelevant and stupid I’ve been in the army for 5 years and every soldier in a unit or gets deployed will have a rifle it is a part of your uniform BUT if your tour/deployment is over and you are going back home no you do not always keep the weapon that was assigned to you if the soldiers coming in to replace you need the better weapons if you think the fucking military is short on weapons your a fucking idiot we have thousands and thousands not even being used new and old we will never not have enough weapons for our soldiers in any branch