First the Army Rangers allowed in women…and had to lower the standards. Now, the commander of the Navy’s special warfare unit is recommending women be allowed to compete for jobs in the SEALs and combat crews.
Rear Adm. Brian Losey, though, also warns that those women could have a greater risk of injury and probably death. The service could be pressured to adjust job standards in a five-page memo to U.S. Special Operations Command. Yes, adjusting the standards lower always makes for a better soldier…read more on the next page:
Lauren Fannin-Housley you are dillusional. An ASVAB score means you are book smart, power lifting is technique so highly doubt your super women friends would even make it through hell week. Being athletic with cross fit and bring able to physically carry 250 under extreme fire fights totally different. Yall want shower and quarter with the men on ships ? Maybe your mad science is real but study it someday. Certain things each Gender weren’t designed for. Just like your example who holds All Weight lifting records ? Men. There’s a reason they have classes in athletic events
No, no, no, no, no, no, God, no.
As long as the standards are the same ok but if you lower them expect dead body’s on mission
Never lower the standards for men or women. No women will make the cut at the current standards anyway.
ALLOW anyone who can pass, an NO ONE who can’t.
only if they can do the job and do the same training not less
Wrong, they are just placing others at risk. Women are very capable but these positions are not a fit for them.
Yes there are women that are extremely GREAT but there’re not PHYSICALLY BUILD as men are and it’s been proven they aren’t PHYSICALLY EQUAL