First the Army Rangers allowed in women…and had to lower the standards. Now, the commander of the Navy’s special warfare unit is recommending women be allowed to compete for jobs in the SEALs and combat crews.
Rear Adm. Brian Losey, though, also warns that those women could have a greater risk of injury and probably death. The service could be pressured to adjust job standards in a five-page memo to U.S. Special Operations Command. Yes, adjusting the standards lower always makes for a better soldier…read more on the next page:
They cant. Most men cant.
power lifters do not make the cut thoug, and thats a fact toonot male power lifter so women power lifters could not make it either,you’r oicking at staraws here,this is not something that needs to be revamped whatsoeve it needs to be left as it has been for so manty decades,I ageee theree are many things woman can do that men can do but this is one area that I say they canot,I went thru it, I know it wa long ago but as far as the training etc it is stilextremeley grueling to say the least and most men drop out or are cut out and these are extremeley physicaly fit men to
Puts all at risk. Weakens the organization overall. Unfair to put someone into a job for which they may not be qualified. Not all women have the upper body strength to do the same as the guys. Quit trying to make females into males.
this is a stupid thing
How many strong enough? Of those, how many want to?
Anyone can shoot a weapon, but when it comes down to the tough hard Brian picking up at 250 pound buddy that’s not going to happen
Seal s are not for most men even keep women out .
sad-0 allowing women to endanger the mission- since it is human nature for men to protect females…
If they can handle it physically and emotionally.
Why? just for pc sake! If it is not broke don’t fix it! What do the Seals think about this I wonder! That should be important! If the the Seals don’t want that should be the end of it period!