First the Army Rangers allowed in women…and had to lower the standards. Now, the commander of the Navy’s special warfare unit is recommending women be allowed to compete for jobs in the SEALs and combat crews.
Rear Adm. Brian Losey, though, also warns that those women could have a greater risk of injury and probably death. The service could be pressured to adjust job standards in a five-page memo to U.S. Special Operations Command. Yes, adjusting the standards lower always makes for a better soldier…read more on the next page:
It seems like almost every day, Ovomit thinks of something new to destroy our military.
That will never happen,if you can not make it you get the bell.
You got it
There is no way a woman can match up to any of the military’s most elite. They don’t need to be on the battle field. They can serve in many other ways.
stop meddling with the military.
Do people really understand what the roles of the teams or CAG units are ? This is not the place to be playing your little silly liberal games. These are the elite of the elite. Most men wash out. Someone needs to end whoever thinks or special forces is a place for experiments and political agendas. You feminists need to face the facts there will always be things men are better at just like women can do things no man will ever experience.
It is all fine and dandy when a woman is in great shape and can make the cut. But what about when they become POWs, put everyone at more of a risk? It’s not a great idea unless they make all women units. IMO
I disagree with this one altogether,it would not work at all,thats just a plain fact,they need to leave this alone as with the rangers etc to
she just doe;s not get the whole picture here I went thru SF training loang ago and back then it was much tougher than it is now to,thats a fact and back then no woman could have posswiblt endured what we who made the cut did,tyhats a fact jack and it’s still that way actually they train diferent than we di but it’s stil extremeley grueling to say the least,some things just need to be keft alone and the special forces,rangers,seals etc need to be kleft alone altogether
In other news, obama wants men on the women’s Olympic synchronized swim team.