First the Army Rangers allowed in women…and had to lower the standards. Now, the commander of the Navy’s special warfare unit is recommending women be allowed to compete for jobs in the SEALs and combat crews.
Rear Adm. Brian Losey, though, also warns that those women could have a greater risk of injury and probably death. The service could be pressured to adjust job standards in a five-page memo to U.S. Special Operations Command. Yes, adjusting the standards lower always makes for a better soldier…read more on the next page:
No way.
Women don’t have the upper body strength of men and that weakness will put at risk the lives of other Navy Seals.
Gays are next
meet the standards? no problem…change the standards? no way.
REMEMBER: We are talking about the US SEALS !!!! For the love of GOD! THINK!
If they can pass all of the hell that the men do, let them. Don’t expect it to be easy though.
Haha Karl Schneller when I first say you commented I thought, “Lord help this kid if he disagrees because I know his mother…” Gloria Schneller
I just wonder what my bro would say
Thank makes me feel safe. Lol
The problem is, standards have been notoriously lowered every time one of these social engineering games is played. Women can do a lot of things…but cannot be SF without lowering standards. The military is about security…not equal opportunity. Period.