First the Army Rangers allowed in women…and had to lower the standards. Now, the commander of the Navy’s special warfare unit is recommending women be allowed to compete for jobs in the SEALs and combat crews.
Rear Adm. Brian Losey, though, also warns that those women could have a greater risk of injury and probably death. The service could be pressured to adjust job standards in a five-page memo to U.S. Special Operations Command. Yes, adjusting the standards lower always makes for a better soldier…read more on the next page:
Don’t exspect a woman during her time of monthly cramps to carry her weight , if they do allow women the standards will be lowered to accommodate them. I think women and mothers should let our men defend us.
Obama will do anything to downgrade our military…
Well alot of the army’s soldiers are nursing mothers , women’s rights have crossed the line that separates women from men.
Let them try but by no means lower the standards so that they can pass. These are the best of the best.
If they can pass the very same tests, including but not limited to BUDS, with hell week and all the rest of the good clean fun, then by all means join away! But remember they are nicknamed “the Men with green faces” for a reason!
Why doesn’t seal team 6 take over the White House. Works for me.
I say she should try BUT there’s a catch. She has to be able to pee standing up if she thinks that she can replace a man.
They already made it possible by lowering the standards for women to become Army Rangers.
Did you ever ask yourself …why so many ran…maybe “God” knew Donald Trump would need a CABINET – of like minded thinkers (not all)…there is no division here its a re-joining of America and it’s Spirit. … Donald Trump for President / G.O.P. Republican Nomination for President of the United States of America…2016 … enough w/ whos in with who…we have one planet …thats it fellas …ONE PLANET ! Make America Strong – It cannot be politics as usual… First america and americans all legal…Then like the beatles sang ” we can work it out “… james lawrence.
were doomed ,,wth