Mercury is a highly potent neurotoxin that causes severe deterioration of your central nervous system that, even a low levels, can cause tremors, memory loss, changes in an individuals personality, lethargy, insomnia, and affect motor movements. Mercury has shown to have devastating effects on fetal development.
A recent study by Natural News conducted in their lab revealed that the flu vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX), had levels of mercury 25,000 higher than the EPA allows in water.
So why is this highly toxic metal in the flu vaccine, or any vaccine, in such high quantity?
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Never have and never will! Population elimination! Screw the government!
Raising the temperature of the the flue bug….
After this last shot I will never get another one, after 3 months my arm still aches
Necer had a flu shot and never will..
Shellie Berry
Good thing I’m not drinking 8 glasses of flu shot everyday!
That’s so ridiculous the fda doesn’t give a carp for us I hope trump can change this
Janet Thompson Hill
Why mercury in vaccine ?