According to the Wall Street Journal, NATO is currently preparing to deploy four battalions, which is approximately 4,000 troops, to Russia’s western border. US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work stated Brussels last week that the escalation of Western military forces on Russia’s border was in response to Russian military exercises near the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
The U.S. has many military bases throughout the world, many of which are in NATO countries that we have agreed to help protect. But it is hard to make a clear comparison between the United States support in protecting NATO member states and Russia’s history of invading and ruling any number of sovereign countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and the entire constellation of Soviet satellites.
See page 2 argument that U.S. is the aggressor in Russia-United States interactions:
Gary Griswold I work for Jesus Duh!!! God is in control, read profesy dear. Clergy
They are only antagonizing Russia causing more problems.
NATO should mind it’s own business and stop the saber rattling…trying to start WWIII…..that’s what NATO wants….
This is dumb!
Does our Commander and Chief know about this!! Oh he’s still trying to decide which toilet to squat and pee on.
Is it so Russia don’t have to kill. Thier Refugees?
You mean America may not last much longer right? Obama still has work to do…
What I’m saying is can’t make enemies with countries and crush the economic growth of such enemies to Obama and expect them to eat crow while the’re citizens are suffering even with Obama turning the Middle East into a hell hole pushing Islamic terriost to the west. These leaders have had their fill of Obama grant you, and will fight back at all cost. Obama has created so much tension in the world countries that they don’t care anymore about peace. It is written in Revelations that North Korea, Egypt, and Russia would come against Israel in war. It also states that Babylon will fall. Babylon is a nation with lots of open ports with trade. Great wealth. Also, that it is with sin, homosexuality, perversion, etc. that sound exactly like America. God says to pray that our nation will be saved from wrath.
Wow……about 4000 men at best.
Tim Walters