According to the Wall Street Journal, NATO is currently preparing to deploy four battalions, which is approximately 4,000 troops, to Russia’s western border. US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work stated Brussels last week that the escalation of Western military forces on Russia’s border was in response to Russian military exercises near the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
The U.S. has many military bases throughout the world, many of which are in NATO countries that we have agreed to help protect. But it is hard to make a clear comparison between the United States support in protecting NATO member states and Russia’s history of invading and ruling any number of sovereign countries such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and the entire constellation of Soviet satellites.
See page 2 argument that U.S. is the aggressor in Russia-United States interactions:
NATO is a joke. It should be disbanded.
Russia is the only Country who will defend Americans when War begins, so NATO has to get rid of Russia.
Ha. I’m sure Putin is shaking. Not.
Big mistake
Good luck eith that
Good luck with that
Putin is not afraid of America anymore no more than many countries do. Obama’s cronies are just going to start another war.
The US needs to leave NATO and leave it’s nose out of other countries affairs ( as in so called refugees ) until it directly involves the US and stop stop spending tax payers money on personal agendas such as islaim ( yes I spelled it the way I intended to ) and let’s get someone in charge the will get our$#%&!@*back together for us
Why do they have to stir up trouble
Jesus is Lord .