Wolfgang W. Halbig , a former state trooper, US customs agent and national school safety consultant, states that:
‘Sandy Hook was a scripted event, at least two years in planning’
He doesn’t believe that any kids actually died in the event. As incredible as it sounds, he points out many, many very basic parts of the official narrative that just doesn’t make sense at all:
* Law enforcement parked 1/4 mile away upon arriving at the scene. Why didn’t they rush to a heart-wrenching emergency?
* No trauma helicopters were ordered. Unheard of for an actual emergency.
* No paramedics were allowed in the school. Also unheard of…
* Parents weren’t allowed to see their deceased kids. What???
Read the full list below on next page:
I watched the whole thing on TV from about the moment it started broadcasting. I remember that the first police official, a lieutenant from the Sandy Hook Pd was making comments to a reported and when asked- he said the shooter committed suicide and that for semi auto pistols, 9 mm and 45- I believe- were used. A reported brought up that was there an AR-15, a bush master- and the office said no, they did find one in his car out in the parking lot- unused and maybe a shot gun. But after a few hours it became “fact” that he had used the AR-15 to shoot everyone- and so the press picked up on the “assault” rifle was used. Beautiful!???????
Oh right. And I have a lovely bridge in Brooklyn that you might be interested in.
I have heard that a lot! I wonder if we will ever know the truth?!
I could believe this, I would also add one thing, wasn’t the “shooter” from New Jersey? I thought AR-15’s were banned in N.J., so how was his mother in possession of one?
Thanks to Ovomit.
It flooded out and was used for storing files. There was mold and water marks on the walls.
People look up agenda 21 from our freinds in the u.n. it will explain it all an yes it is public record an yes obama an hillary both signed this document
Wow! Even Orlando shooting was staged? Amazing.