Establishment Republicans are close to a melt-down following Donald Trump’s big wins on Super Tuesday. They have thrown everything the could against him, feigned outrage at every little politically incorrect comment he has made, and they still cannot dislodge him or damage his popularity. They cannot understand how this could have happened, and they are still hoping a solution will arise that keeps them running the show. That is not likely to happen, and one has to wonder if they will go into the general election supporting Republican iconoclast Trump or Democrat parliamentarian Hillary Clinton.
It did not have to be this way, but the Republican establishment refuses to acknowledge it. Conservative Republicans begged their political leaders to fight Obama, to refuse his illegal immigration and amnesty programs, to use the power of the purse to stop his outrageous programs, and to demand justice with the IRS scandal. And each time, worthless Republican “leaders” like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner replied that they would get more aggressive if only the people would give them the power. But they said that as a minority party, their hands were tied.
Then in the 2014 elections Republicans won stunning victories and ended up controlling the House and the Senate, and the result was…. more of the same. It turns out that establishment Republicans are more interested in keeping their jobs and kowtowing to big money donors and big business than listening to what Main Street America is saying. And so they have no one but themselves to blame for the rise of populist Donald Trump.
See what establishment Republicans are saying about Trump and his supporters, page 2:
This is a statement that only a low-life would make !!!
Who is this jerk
Wrong – They are not Democrats
What does it say about Reince Priebus the GOP. What does it say when the GOP insiders are doing there best to thwart Trump, especially when it appears contrary to their base. This wimp-assed GOP has caved on nearly everything. The insiders are just trying to save their$#%&!@* position, and privilege. We need a hard$#%&!@*to implement what the present do-nothings have abdicated to the libs.
I agree with all your statement except how you spell yehaaaaaa. It’s Yeehaaa, two e’s. Also capitalize for emphasis. Lol
And you? A prostitute for Obama!
it gives me the creeps seeing him with Trump , kinda like a bad Ora and I disliked him dogging Trump in the beginning , vote Trump fine but following him around like a puppy dog yuck !
my opinion tho maybe I’m wrong but it doesn’t make me feel any better about , to many false positives.
Mary Faile are you American and if so how long ? #TRUMP Rocks
National Review is a useless rag.
Ted Cruz is as bad as Hillary Patricia Galle your the pig that longs for a Muslim up your$#%&!@*, sick fool