Establishment Republicans are close to a melt-down following Donald Trump’s big wins on Super Tuesday. They have thrown everything the could against him, feigned outrage at every little politically incorrect comment he has made, and they still cannot dislodge him or damage his popularity. They cannot understand how this could have happened, and they are still hoping a solution will arise that keeps them running the show. That is not likely to happen, and one has to wonder if they will go into the general election supporting Republican iconoclast Trump or Democrat parliamentarian Hillary Clinton.
It did not have to be this way, but the Republican establishment refuses to acknowledge it. Conservative Republicans begged their political leaders to fight Obama, to refuse his illegal immigration and amnesty programs, to use the power of the purse to stop his outrageous programs, and to demand justice with the IRS scandal. And each time, worthless Republican “leaders” like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner replied that they would get more aggressive if only the people would give them the power. But they said that as a minority party, their hands were tied.
Then in the 2014 elections Republicans won stunning victories and ended up controlling the House and the Senate, and the result was…. more of the same. It turns out that establishment Republicans are more interested in keeping their jobs and kowtowing to big money donors and big business than listening to what Main Street America is saying. And so they have no one but themselves to blame for the rise of populist Donald Trump.
See what establishment Republicans are saying about Trump and his supporters, page 2:
My respect for Kristol disappeared when I discovered his age is higher than his I.Q.
what unbelievable trash the National Review puts out, Hope this kind of news media goes out of business when their King, Obama leaves office are gets impeached what ever comes first
The Trump train is at full steam!!!! yehaaaaaaaaa!! Libtards are scared and Republican pansies who are used to the free meal ticket off of tax payers backs now realize that the cafeteria is closed!!!
Cuz you lobbyist~ democrat butt kissers that have sat and met Obama and his gang destroy our America after allowing him to be elected 2x aren’t sell outs?
prostitutioin in politics is nothing new, get over it.
The National Review should realize by now, the GOP is as good as dead. Republicans have had enough of establishment politicians not getting anything done for us. Maybe, if they would have done something with their majority in Congress, we would feel better about some of their yes men. But they’ve done nothing. They didn’t even slow Obama down. He gave them every opportunity to impeach and prosecute him for giving comfort and aid to terrorist but they haven’t done anything. Now Obama is bringing terrorist here, poorly disguised as refugees and the majority did nothing.
I, personally, will not vote for any Congressman who sits in office right now. The only way to fix the once Grand Old Party…elect new players.
Trump 2016
Trump will Reveal whom is Ho’s
Donald Trump is for “WE THE PEOPLE” and is “WE THE PEOPLE”
The silent majority has been woken by Trump…TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2016…Hillary for Prison and take barry with you
Call the US Capitol first thing Monday morning and let them know that you OPPOSE SYRIAN REFUGEES in the United States!
The operator will ask you what State, and transfer you to your Senator and your State Representative. It takes about 2 minutes.
Please share! Tell them you are for Trump, If the Don’t stand with the citizen you work For.US You will be no election for you you will endorse him, stand by him in new and paper in helping in making this country better
Help stop Clinton
Foreign owned media scum