Establishment Republicans are close to a melt-down following Donald Trump’s big wins on Super Tuesday. They have thrown everything the could against him, feigned outrage at every little politically incorrect comment he has made, and they still cannot dislodge him or damage his popularity. They cannot understand how this could have happened, and they are still hoping a solution will arise that keeps them running the show. That is not likely to happen, and one has to wonder if they will go into the general election supporting Republican iconoclast Trump or Democrat parliamentarian Hillary Clinton.
It did not have to be this way, but the Republican establishment refuses to acknowledge it. Conservative Republicans begged their political leaders to fight Obama, to refuse his illegal immigration and amnesty programs, to use the power of the purse to stop his outrageous programs, and to demand justice with the IRS scandal. And each time, worthless Republican “leaders” like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner replied that they would get more aggressive if only the people would give them the power. But they said that as a minority party, their hands were tied.
Then in the 2014 elections Republicans won stunning victories and ended up controlling the House and the Senate, and the result was…. more of the same. It turns out that establishment Republicans are more interested in keeping their jobs and kowtowing to big money donors and big business than listening to what Main Street America is saying. And so they have no one but themselves to blame for the rise of populist Donald Trump.
See what establishment Republicans are saying about Trump and his supporters, page 2:
I wipe with the national review
. . . and prostitution had been around for hundreds of years! If politicians aren’t pimping themselves, they are getting a$#%&!@*!
LOL LOL National Review is a rag full of RINO’s. America has spoken and they can’t take it! I love it.
Christie and Sessions are showing they are intelligent, they hear what America is asking for – TRUMP!
We are the Republican Base. Our party leaders have decided they don’t like us. I think they all may be deaf. They are Ready to launch a scorched earth attack on Donald Trump. They are puppets to their doners. Instead of speaking to our issues they are telling the press we don’t get it. They say we are not going to take over their party. They are telling us loud and clear they will not support our choice for President. The Establishment canidates they offered us were weak. We choose Donald Trump. We need to make it clear Marco Rubio will never be President. It’s time to let them know WE WON’T BE SILENCED. Let’s send a clear message. Please light up there phones, there emails, there twitter acounts, there Facebook pages and all there Social Media. Let’s tell them we are the Republican Base and we are not going to support those who say they will not support our choice. You guys and gals who are good on computers do some research and find out who is behind these SUPER PACS, stating with Growth for America. Let’s find out who is behind the curtain and let’s let them know where they can stick their money. Post their names here. We can show them all what the Base can do. Let’s do it for Donald Trump but most important let’s do it TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. We will not be silenced.
Sen. Session isn’t to popular for supporting Trump he wants the borders closed and none of them did it and won’t only one would be Trump.Gop has been lying just like dems about the border…W e The People are losing from all this going on our Country is being lost.
You dim witted GOP hardliners, just don’t get it, to not support Trump while having the majority of delegates is ignorant and will destroy the Gop and bring about a new Party which is probably better GOP utter dust respect for the Republican Base. sweating the money train. Obviously congress needs cleaned out also
Wrong, establishment GOP will rue the day they go against members. SAD………
Oh stop it and grow up you little babies wawawawawa.googoodada with your little your little rattles.