National Remembrance Day 2015: Families Of Those Murdered By Illegals Gather

families those murdered by illegals

In Yorba Linda California a Mrs. Morfin related her pain:

Morfin, mother of murdered 13-year-old Ruben Morfin told the crowd, “I’m serving a life sentence.” She shared how her son was shot in the back of the head by an illegal alien. Doctor’s at the hospital told her half of her little boy’s brain was missing. Young Ruben was in the hospital a short time before passing away. Morfin recalled how her son’s murderer fled the country, but after being featured on America’s Most Wanted, was caught in Jalisco, Mexico in 1994 and was finally sentenced.

“I’ve been called a traitor,” Morfin told the crowd gathered. She continued, “I think the best thing that’s happened to us was Donald Trump.”

Many of those families who have lost loved ones to illegal alien crime expressed great thanks for 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump for helping spark national conversation over their plight following the death of Kate Steinle in San Francisco last July.

Mary Ann Mendoza recounted the story of her murdered son Sgt. Brandon Mendoza.   A three times drunk driver illegal alien, who was on meth, slammed head on into Sgt. Mendoza. She told the listening audience that many elected officials are not listening to the families that have lost family members to illegal alien crime, but that Rep. Steve King (R-IA) and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) are among the few who have listened and taken action.

Illegal aliens, legal immigration and border security are not issues the Democrats have any reliable input.  Democrats drone on about opportunity for illegal aliens, and amnesty for the vast amount of aliens illegally in America.

The problem is the portion of Hispanics in America who vote.  Ignoring the probable voter fraud that has merit, as Acorn was involved in, the Hispanic vote is volleyed around up for grabs.  Usually minorities turn out to vote primarily Democratic, there have been elections such as George W. Bush in ’00 and ’04 who captured the Hispanic vote.

Experts on the left believe Trump’s stance on illegals translates into a defeat in the election.  However, recently a Nevada poll shows Hispanics rallied around Trump giving him the majority of Hispanic support.  Legal Hispanics who have roots of generations in America, as the Cuban Americans show, support a very strong stance on illegal immigration.

It is not until a strong proponent of cleaning up the illegal alien issue in America is elected, we shall continue to see the usual lip service given the issue with no action.  Imagine if it was your loved one killed by a person who had not right to be in this country in the first place.

Source: Breitbart News



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