Jay Familglietti, NASA’s top water scientist, recently warned that California has only a year’s supply of water left in storage facilities and the backup groundwater is rapidly depleting. Despite this harrowing fact, California has no backup plan to address this crisis.
“California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain,” stated Familglietti. “In short, we have no paddle to navigate this crisis.”
UPDATE: California Gov. Jerry Brown issues ineffectual, mandatory water restriction as one-third of our nation’s crops are threatened. See Page 3 for updates.
^^^which is done by mostly “illegals” because others refuse to do the work.
You really think the Midwest is gonna give up its water supply to those proven to be irresponsible with their own? No no…
Actually the solution is right beside them.
Climate change advocates already say that the poles are melting, raising the sea level and desalinating it.
Have giant desalination plants run by nuclear energy and suck the water right out of the ocean.
Lowers the level, puts the salt back. Or you could keep the salt. No carbon output, and lots of water for the endangered minnows.
I was definitely being sarcastic
Don’t forget the 15 million illegal who pay into the tax system and don’t get any refund
How many desalination plants would be required to supply an efficient amount of wter to all of CA?Considering the amount of money it would cost it would have to guarantee many years of sustainability, CA is a large state with its population so spread out the plants would have to reach current water pipelines.
Drink beer not water. If its yellow let it mello, if its brown flush it down! NJ water shortage 1980!
@[100000447894422:2048:Alysia Komar] :/