Jay Familglietti, NASA’s top water scientist, recently warned that California has only a year’s supply of water left in storage facilities and the backup groundwater is rapidly depleting. Despite this harrowing fact, California has no backup plan to address this crisis.
“California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain,” stated Familglietti. “In short, we have no paddle to navigate this crisis.”
UPDATE: California Gov. Jerry Brown issues ineffectual, mandatory water restriction as one-third of our nation’s crops are threatened. See Page 3 for updates.
Our Benevolent leader said that our population outgrew our resources then told the illegals come , we will treat you like legals..!You know, the last time we had a. “Bad” drought he was governor..!! Hmmmm maybe its him..?
This is garbage. But even so, if you stop allowing more people to cross illegally and leach out of the same coffers you dedicated for actual citizens, maybe the coffers won’t empty quite so $#%&!@*ing fast. It’s simple. Would you wanna be on a commercial plane designed to carry 250 p$#%&!@*engers, but instead has about 500 on board? And the Captain observes this and gives a little nod, “Sure bring ’em all on! No, don’t worry if they have a ticket, there’s plenty of room! This plane can take it.” Yea. Didn’t think so.
30 percent of the population out there will decrease, causing 30% less water usage = saving alot of water. Not to mention ain’t none of em paying taxes on thier under the table jobs.. peace
global warming is a myth
So voting liberal caused a drought? Yeah seems legit
Stay out of Oregon!
Get off my wave lol jk. But no seriously I was thinking the same thing
Found the solution, and it will create Jobs too! Lets build a WATER PIPELINE from the Mississippi river to California, with sub stations at every river in between! And pump from rivers that are high or at flood stage! (IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! )
@[1313588469:2048:Melissa Davidovich]
Funny, the celebrities lawns are flush & green AND their Mercedes are washed!