Jay Familglietti, NASA’s top water scientist, recently warned that California has only a year’s supply of water left in storage facilities and the backup groundwater is rapidly depleting. Despite this harrowing fact, California has no backup plan to address this crisis.
“California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain,” stated Familglietti. “In short, we have no paddle to navigate this crisis.”
UPDATE: California Gov. Jerry Brown issues ineffectual, mandatory water restriction as one-third of our nation’s crops are threatened. See Page 3 for updates.
Nestle says who gives a $#%&!@*
I remember hearing the same thing when I was around 15 years old. That was 20 years ago.
So what the state that has the most environmental laws is going dry but I bet their lawns look amazing
take apart haarp
Despite a drought, fracking uses 70 million gallons of water in California.
Nestles in still using 80 million gallons of water in California.
So on and so on… It’s time we remove congressmen and senators from office. It’s time we stop trading precious water and resources for gas in our cars.
What a joke…
Get the $#%&!@* out if Kali!
Anyone expecting liberals to think AHEAD obviously dont have many thinks left themselves.
I have a plan. Stop diverting water.
M$#%&!@* exodus the modern world has never seen before will begin this summer…