Jay Familglietti, NASA’s top water scientist, recently warned that California has only a year’s supply of water left in storage facilities and the backup groundwater is rapidly depleting. Despite this harrowing fact, California has no backup plan to address this crisis.
“California has no contingency plan for a persistent drought like this one (let alone a 20-plus-year mega-drought), except, apparently, staying in emergency mode and praying for rain,” stated Familglietti. “In short, we have no paddle to navigate this crisis.”
UPDATE: California Gov. Jerry Brown issues ineffectual, mandatory water restriction as one-third of our nation’s crops are threatened. See Page 3 for updates.
America and the world will share pur problem
Read today they are Draining Lake Tahoe ?….
Cali sucks $#%&!@* anyway
Desalinization period! See Israel.
I wonder how many tree huggers would be against a pipeline from the northeast where we get plenty of rain and snow.
maybe they should quit worrying about those little fish and stop dumping in the ocean
Well maybe if the government allowed the water to flow freely instead of turning it off … The lakes and reservoirs would be filled with water. We are well aware that there is no water shortage. Even if there was, we live near the freaking Pacific Ocean! We have technology to turn salt water into fresh water so please… Don’t believe in this scare tactic. Is only meant for control …
Running out of water need a lot of rain.
Some life time we will run out of water but we will be dead by thene